A Map of Place of Reads

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eveillez: Deny Your Blood Lust by C.D. Hussey


"I know why you're tired all the time."

Following the gruesome deaths of two young women, Detective Kevin McCoy begins an investigation into the Human Vampire Community in New Orleans, determined to arrest anyone and everyone involved. When his investigation leads him to Angel, he is torn between his desire to be with her and a conviction she is somehow involved in the murders.

He has more in common with the Community than he realizes, and Angel immediately recognizes it. Plagued by apathy for months and desperate for change, she sees the fire Kevin ignites within her and the ability to help him as an opportunity to break free from her depression. Driven to save herself while saving him, she makes it her mission to help him.

But even Angel's talents might not be enough to overcome his demons.

My Review:

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Welcome to the darkest book of the Human Vampire series.  Now, this is not to say that it is a bad book, but it is definitely it is not a book to read if you are currently in a depression, because it will definitely keep your energy there if you aren’t careful.

This book starts just days after the end of De Sang.  Detective Kevin McCoy is a man who is always exhausted, living on caffeine like it was a blood transfusion, and still he is barely making it through the day.  I loved his point of view as an outsider being brought in.  Granted we did see that with Julia in La Luxure, but this was different.  Julia was drawn to it as a donor and because of Armand.  Kevin is drawn to it (albeit, unknowingly) because he is actually a Human Vampire in need of blood.  The view of an outsider who is repelled by the idea of blood fetishes and drinking of blood will definitely give you a broader view of the culture. 

I loved how we got to know Angel better.  She was always a mystery in the previous two books.  You wondered about the woman who was described so beautifully.  She is a woman with a dark past that has learned to move forward, but current guilt caused by recent events are taking a toll on her.  She is having a hard time collecting Prana and her Donors are not enough anymore. 

Both main characters are dealing with stress, changes, and circumstances beyond their control.  You can’t help but wonder if they are going to make it a time or two. 

I love how we get to see another side to Julia and Armand.  I mean, their story ended on such a happy note, and you can’t help but hope they get a “happily-ever-after”, but this is real life, and no one gets that.  There are trials, secrets, and sins that must be faced.  I loved how Ms. Hussey faced reality, and didn’t make their life perfect. 

Even though this was a darker book than the previous one in this series, no one actually died in it.  I know, I’m weird, I noticed that no one actually died (yes, they found a dead body, but that doesn’t count!). 

Overall, I recommend this book. 

Happy Reading!


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