A Map of Place of Reads

Thursday, August 9, 2012

ARC Review: Silver by Talia Vance


An Irish heritage, Celtic myth, and deadly beauty

In eighth grade, Brianna did something so dreadful she was suspended and homeschooled. No one could explain what happened that night . . . except Brianna's Irish grandmother, who gave her a silver charm bracelet and told her to wear it until she turned seventeen. Ever since she slipped it on, Brianna has felt like she's invisible. People stare right past her as if she doesn't exist. And that includes Blake Williams, the one boy she can't resist.

But everything changes in one frozen, silver moment when Blake sees her--and recognizes what she's been hiding. Brianna is descended from Danu, the legendary Bandia of Celtic myth. Yet before she can fully understand who or what she is, Brianna accidentally binds her soul to Blake--whose tribe has spent the last thousand years hunting Danu's descendants to protect humanity.

My Review:

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OH MY GOODNESS!  (yep, this book is so good I have to spell it out!)  So when I started Silver, I was like, this sounds interesting.  The characters, the events, and the history behind it all, blend together perfectly together to create an amazing book.

So, I think that Brianna is a great character.  After years of being ignored, she is finally “seen” by the one that she wants to see her.  Unfortunately, she is also seen by many others that she should really avoid.  On top of this, she has almost no background about what she is becoming, what she could do and if anything about her is safe and normal.  She is learning on the run and in the process discovers what kind of person she is and how strong she is.

Blake is at once an ass and a prince.  After years of not being able to see Brianna, he finally sees her and is immediately lost.  Unfortunately, he withholds information from her, purposely starts ignoring her, and blames her for a lot of stuff.  At times he seems to act like a spoiled child because he isn’t getting what he wants from Brianna, but other times… He is amazing.  He wants her to learn how to defend herself against his kind, to fight for her life. 

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the Celtic mythology used in this novel!  As someone who is proud of my Irish heritage, I loved how Ms. Vance used Celtic mythology as something other than fairies.  Plus, I do wonder who Austin is in the Celtic mythology.  I do have my own theory on that, but I’m curious!

I would love to get more information on the Killian/Danu story, which I’m hoping will come in a second book.  I also want to see what decisions will be made for Brianna and Blake, plus if they both can stand against the storm that is coming for them.  Actually, I just hope there is a second book because I just really enjoyed this book. 

I think that Ms. Vance did a great job on the ending of this novel.  There was no cliff hanger (kudos on avoid that cliché), but not everything was resolved (perfect ending to begin a new book with).  Plus, the actions that take place shows how the characters have grown.

The only thing I had a problem with: the synopsis.  Now, don’t get me wrong, the synopsis is “technically” correct, but it sets you up on your expectations on how things are going to occur in the book.  DO NOT BELIEVE IT!  I liked the actual ARC cover synopsis.  I get the info that I need, and don’t feel set up for certain events to occur in certain order. Again, do not take this as a “bad” thing about the book.  This book was absolutely amazing!

I highly recommend this book and look forward from this author!

Happy Reading!


Happy Reading!


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