A Map of Place of Reads

Thursday, January 5, 2012

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, Place of Reads Interviews

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Place of Reads Interviews C. D. Hussey , Author of  La Luxure and De Sang

PoR:  Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
CDH: I currently live in Kansas City with my husband, nearly grown son and two cats. Besides writing, I work as a professional engineer for one of the local water utilities. I went to college late, so I've had many professions, including horse trainer and warehouse manager. I consider myself a pretty eclectic person and am interested in just about everything. It helps keep me busy and hopefully...interesting.
PoR:  When you were a kid, did you want to grow up and be a writer? Or was there something else you wanted to do?
CDH: Becoming a published writer has always been one of my goals. I've been writing since I can remember. My older sisters and I would hang out in my grandma's basement writing stories, listening to records, and playing Barbies. I wrote my first novel at twelve.
For many years, writing did share shelf space in my heart with training horses. Unfortunately, the reality of living/working on a ranch and riding 6-7 horses a day dulled that passion. Engineering was my third choice, but it helps keep the bills paid.
PoR:  Though you don’t live in New Orleans, your books are all located there. What inspired you to have all your events happen in NOLA?
CDH: The first book was actually inspired and loosely based on a weekend trip I took to New Orleans in 2009. The idea came to me one night while dancing at a Goth bar in the French Quarter. Sitting on a platform overlooking the dancefloor was this vampire king and his queen. It's easy to get swept away in NOLA and I thought, what if someone traveled to New Orleans and stumbled naively into an underground vampire culture...? At first, I didn't actually plan to write a second and third book. The ideas evolved while writing the first.
I travel to New Orleans at least twice a year, sometimes more.

PoR:  So tell us what inspired you to write about Living Human Vampires? What brought them to your attention?
CDH: Actually, it was the inspiration for the first book (see prior question) that drew me to the Living Vampire community. I knew there was a vampire subculture out there, I just didn't realize how extensive it was until I started researching it. I've always been a fan of vampires and I enjoy a more traditional vampire, too, but I wanted to write something different and unique.
PoR:  Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?
CDH: Gone With The Wind. I was obsessed with it and consequently, Clark Gable, when I was about 14. The novel started my love affair with imperfect characters and romance.
PoR:  Can you tell us about your upcoming book?
CDH: Eveillez: Deny Your Blood Lust picks up immediately after the end of de Sang.
Following the gruesome deaths of two young women, Detective Kevin McCoy begins an investigation into the Human Vampire Community in New Orleans, determined to arrest anyone and everyone involved. But he has more in common with the Community than he realizes. When his investigation leads him to Angel, a prominent member of Human Vampire Community, she immediately recognizes his condition, and makes it her goal to help Kevin come to terms with it, using every talent in her arsenol to convince him.
In the meantime, Armand (the hero from the first book) is having a hard time coping with the problems facing the Community and the lack of control he has concerning them. A rift quickly seperates him from Julia as he tries to come to terms with the situation.
PoR:  What do you do when you are not writing?
CDH: I'm really into aerial silks right now. But I'm a chronic hobbyist so today it's silks, tomorrow it'll be, I don't know, contact juggling. I like physical hobbies: silks, mountain biking, hiking, various equestrian disciplines. I also like dance arts like belly dance, poi, and sometimes hula hoop or Flamenco. I also love anything involving a costume.
They say write what you know. I feel like I'm a Method writer, like a Method actor. Sometimes it seems like I live life thinking about how it will fit into a book. I also tend to gravitate toward whatever interests my current character has. Since Angel, the heroine in Eveillez, is a performer, I've been thinking more about performing. When I start working on my fantasy series again, I'll probably start to crave being around horses and get more into medieval reenacting. 
PoR:  Random Question Time! What is your favorite part of the Christmas Holidays?
CDH: It sounds cliche, but I really just like getting together with family and friends. I could do without exchanging gifts, but I'm definitely a fan of the Christmas party.
PoR:  What was the last book that you read?
CDH: Amaranth by Rachael Wade.
PoR:  Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
CDH: Write the absolute best book you can and don't be afraid of constructive critisism. Everyone needs it and your writing will only be improved by it.

Books by C.D. Hussey

You can follow Ms. Hussey and learn more about upcoming books at www.cdhussey.com 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey CD! You know I loved both of these books! Don't enter me in the contest. I'm just here to show support and spread the luv for this series


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