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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost


The grave is one wrong step away.

Having narrowly averted an (under)world war, Cat Crawfield wants nothing more than a little downtime with her vampire husband, Bones. Unfortunately, her gift from New Orleans' voodoo queen just keeps on giving--leading to a personal favor that sends them into battle once again, this time against a villainous spirit. 

Centuries ago, Heinrich Kramer was a witch hunter. Now, every All Hallows Eve, he takes physical form to torture innocent women before burning them alive. This year, however, a determined Cat and Bones must risk all to send him back to the other side of eternity--forever. But how do you kill a killer who's already long dead?

My Review

One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6)
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just when things looked like they were finally becoming “normal”, Cat and Bones are off on another adventure. After being asked to help a ghost seeking revenge, a crazed, sexist, murdering ghost becomes the next target for Cat and Bones. But will they survive through Halloween when this ghost is out for blood?
This novel picks up right where This Side of the Grave (the last book) leaves off. Trying to figure out why Don is a ghost, having some free time, and waiting on the “gift” that Majestic gave Cat to finally wear off. But we then get to meet some new (sometimes irritating and idiotic) people.
As usual, I love Ms. Frost’s take on history. Using Heinrich Kramer and his book Malleus Maleficarum as the basis for this novel was a great twist. He was already a misinformed man, but Ms. Frost made him thoroughly insane and possessed by his bigotry and sexism.
Cat and Bones have a better, deeper relationship, though it is tried again with their fewer times to be alone. I also think that because of the partially slower pace of the book we do have a better chance to see this relationship become better.
I enjoyed getting to see Cat’s powers better displayed in this novel. She can fly (though her landings are still pretty bad), she still absorbs the powers from the vamps she feeds from, and if she is going to be able to learn to control the mind reading gifts she gets from Bones.
I do like that we are still wondering about Don (like is he going to move on to the other side? Is the reason he is still there because of the new head of his old team? And so many more), is Elisabeth going to move on or is there a certain ghost that is keeping her earth-bound, and finally what other “gifts” is Cat going to learn about?
Overall, I think this book was wonderful, and I hated that it ended. I am looking forward to the next in this series (no matter the spin off!).
**Adult scenes involved. Not appropriate for all readers.**

Happy Reading!


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