A Map of Place of Reads

Friday, October 14, 2011

Follow Friday (12)

Welcome to Follow Friday Hosted By Parajunkee.com andAlisoncanread.com

Q.If you could have characters from a particular book meet and form an epic storyline with characters from a particular TV series, which would you choose and why?

Oh, that is SO EASY!  I would choose Doctor Who meeting with just about ANY BOOK!  I'm a Whovian, so it can't be helped, everything comes back to the Doctor.  Really and truly though, I'd probably have the tv characters from Doctor Who (Preferably the 10th Doctor, played by the MARVELOUS David Tennant) meet with the book characters from Virals by Kathy Reich  or The Host by Stephanie Meyers.  Or just about anything else.  If you are a Whovian like myself, you know that the Doctor loves Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Charles Dickens, and many more authors :P, so I'm sure he'd love to play along with any of them.  


So what would you like to see joined?

Happy Reading!



  1. I still have to watch Doctor Who!

  2. We shall have a Doctor Who day! I'm going to do a New Years day party where there will be food, and Doctor Who. Wanna come? :)

  3. I actually don't think I would be surprise to find out Doctor Who was popping up in books.

    Old Follower
    Beth ^_^

  4. I agree. Its like the picture of Prince Williams and Kate's wedding, there is a pic that looks like Doctor #11 is in the audience. :)

  5. I know nothing of Dr Who, but combining The Host and just about anything else we be very interesting! Great answer!

    Check out my GIVEAWAY!

    My FF

  6. Great pick! I love Kathy Reich!

    Hopping through! Happy Friday!


  7. I haven't watched Dr. Who, but I love The Host so any combination with that book would be really cool. Awesome choice!

    new follower
    My Follow Friday
    P.S. Come check out my first giveaway here

  8. Hopping through for Feature & Follow Friday.

    Stop by Pedantic Phooka for a $25 Amazon Giftcard giveaway this weekend.

    Have a great weekend!
    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  9. Doctor Who with The Host would be awesome! I wonder what would happen. I must think this up and possibly write a fan fiction based on that, lol.

  10. Interesting! Not familiar with all these, but know a little about each of them! Great picks!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  11. I need to watch this TV show... but it sounds like a great choice

    I'm a new follower


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