A Map of Place of Reads

Friday, September 23, 2011

Follow Friday (9)

Welcome to Follow Friday Hosted By Parajunkee.com andAlisoncanread.com

Q. Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep revisiting it?

A.  Oh, there are so many!  

The Argeneau Series:  Just because sometimes you need hot vampires that are just the result of Atlantis' advance technology... That and they are easy quick reads!

The Dragon Keeper Chronicles:  Because dragons are cool!  And I want to grow up and be like Kale sometimes. 

The Immortals:  Because being able to talk to animals would be AMAZING!

The Chronicles of Narnia: Because it is a reminder of the wonderful times in my childhood.

Fires of Gleannmara series:  I am part Irish, and I love this Writer. The prologues and the Epilogues are written in Ireland's perspective!

The Brides of Alba:  I love King Arthur, and I love this writer.  When you combine both = RE-READ SUPER HERO!

The Damar Books: Because sometimes it reminds me that I don't have to fit in to be happy.  And I want to marry Corlath.... :)

There are a few more series, but these are the first ones I go to when I can.

Happy Reading!



  1. I love King Arthur too! I've never heard of the Bride's of Alba series though. Have to check this one out too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you back!


  2. OK Cana the only one I've read is Narnia I'll have to look into the others:)

  3. I actually haven't read any of these, but if you reread them so much, I'll have to check them out! Great answer!

    Here's my FF!

  4. Wow, lot's of interesting books on there!

    Following you back!


  5. Haven't read these! Really only heard of JR Ward's and Narnia! Love learning about different books!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I just finished the first Alanna book and I'm so glad to finally have read some Tamora Pierce so I don't feel quite as left out. And I have a copy of The Blue Sword, on my bookshelf, waiting to be read. I look the look of all these warrior-girl stories - you have awesome taste in books!

    I'm a new follower this Friday! Have a fab weekend!

  7. Narnia! YAY! I love that series! I started rereading it over the summer but I had to move on to other things.. :( I'll reread it soon enough though :)

    My Follow Friday

  8. Thanks for stopping by... following back now! What a great answer... Although I haven't read any of these, several of them were new to me. It's always refreshing to discover something different!

  9. Ahhh! I love Tamora Pierce! Happy Follow Friday!

    I hope you will stop by and check out our twitter event going on today!


  10. Hopping through. I really want to read Tamora Pierce and Robin McKinley's books. I did check out Pegasus from the library the other day.
    My Hop


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