A Map of Place of Reads

Friday, September 9, 2011

Follow Friday (7)

Q. Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story?  If so, which one??

A.  Could it be that they were a villain at first, but then changed?  I know this is a difficult question.  I don't think there has ever been a villain that I have wanted to win. Normally, I'm the girl that wants to kick butt and make the villain pay for his/her evil ways (however I deem a worthy punishment).  But over all, never really wanted a villain to win.

Happy Reading!



  1. I tend to like the stories where no one is really right or wrong, even the villains.

    New Follower
    Beth ^_^

  2. Same--I do enjoy novels in which the bad guys get knocked off, and the good ones win!
    But then again, I like it too, when the bad guys win, if I like them better than the good guys. Jeez, I confuse myself! Ha-ha.

    New follower :)

  3. New Follower Here! I kinda agree with you on that one! I still haven't answered my follow friday question lol. Cute blog you have here : )

    Feel free to follow back @ http://www.booklove101.blogspot.com

  4. i agree with you! i couldn't think of one book...
    Trish - My Friday Memes

  5. Haha it seems like everyone is having a hard time with this one! sometimes I like the villain though :) Only if they're really well written and make you want to love them!

    My Follow Friday :)

  6. I like the heroes to win not the villains. I'm a sap for happy endings. Although, I don't mind it if gray villains win.

  7. That's kind of how I felt. My villain was a villain and then became a sort of anithero in the next book where I fell in love with him!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I couldn't think of a villain either! Happy Friday!

    My Follow Friday!

  9. I'm all for kicking some bad guy butt :-)

    Thanks for following my blog and have a great weekend! Oh, and following you back!


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