A Map of Place of Reads

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dark Earth by Jason Halstead


Eric’s learned at a young age that the odds are stacked against most people and only hard work would see him through it. That stubborn pragmatism helped him through the death of his young wife and raising of his infant daughter. He never suspected that the odds were being worsened by people and powers outside of his control.

Eric’s daughter Jessica quickly proved to be a prodigy that could perform miracles with anything she attempted. Once she hit the age of 13 the true nature of her talents began to be revealed. A simple drawing so perfect it seemed to be alive was followed by a garden filled with life beyond that of anything the Earth had seen in recorded history. Then came the next assassination attempt, foiled by that same stubborn and pragmatic father.

When an earthly assassin proved no match for Jessica or her protector a hunter was sent from another world. A world bound parallel to the Earth and only reachable during the rarest of times and by the most dire of circumstances. Ignorant of the impossible nature of the task Eric had set for himself, he must learn call upon an inner strength he never knew he possessed when Jessica is snatched from her very garden and abducted through the shadows into the other earth.

Eric, refusing to admit defeat, learns the true nature of not only his daughter and her amazing powers, but also his own legacy bequeathed unto him by a father he never knew. A father that is darker than the hunter and one who has only conquest and domination at any cost on his mind.

My Review:
Dark Earth

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eric is a man who has lost a lot. His mother, his wife, and has moved to the middle of nowhere to raise his daughter. It is only when the world (and another world as well) comes to his home and world that he has to face what and who he and his daughter really are.

This novel is just as the title suggests, it is dark. There is a lot of death, even from the very first chapter. But even then it is still a really beautiful story. Eric is a strong man who after being introduced to a new and strange world, he takes it and grows. He fights to protect his daughter and becomes a stronger person. Between two worlds (parallel to each other), Earth and Dark Earth, the story tells of what love and courage can do for someone.

With a mix of Celtic myth, werewolves/changelings, witches, and secret organizations that protect the world as warders, you will get a wonderful mix of fantasy and fairy tale.

Recommend this book!


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