A Map of Place of Reads

Friday, August 19, 2011

Follow Friday (4)

Welcome to Follow Friday Hosted By Parajunkee.com andAlisoncanread.com

This weeks question:

Q. If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

Ooh, so many options, and that always depends on the book... And there are so many books I'd want to be in.  I know I'd want to be the side kick or the funny friend of the main character- The one you know is there, and you like, but isn't in every chapter.  Or, I'd like to be the villain, the one that is killed at the end, but leaves a mysterious message about another worse-than-me villain on the way in the next book (I love that in books!)
Now what books I'd be in?  Well I think anything paranormal or fantasy based.  Maybe even a retelling of a fairy tale.... Yeah, definitely that one.  I would love to be a shifter or some magical being-- Especially fire or water based. Fire because I have that kind of temperament, water because I love the colors of water.  

So what about you?



  1. A fairy tale is a good one- I didn't think of that.

  2. Love your answer. I had not thought of a fairy tale and I love the snarky retelling of those! How fun! My FF is at http://alaskanbookcafe.blogspot.com

  3. Interesting answer! I didn't think anyone would have picked villain lol
    New follower
    Amy's Follow Friday

  4. New follower here on gfc as countrysunset40. Nice answers. Hope you will come over to visit when you get the chance.


  5. OOh that's an interesting answer!! I would love to be in a fairy tale as well now that I think about it! Although maybe slightly modern, like you said a fairy tale retelling!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. New follower, hopping through! :) Loved your answer. I love fairy tales, and a villain would be cool. :)

  7. Ooh that's an interesting thing to shift into!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Once Upon A Time

  8. Thanks for all the comments, y'all! Have a great weekend!


Thank you for wanting to comment... I'll promise I'll do my best to respond to all of you!